Results for 'Moisés Llopis I. Alarcón'

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  1.  20
    Irony and musical intermediality in Vals by Francesc Trabal.Moisés Llopis I. Alarcón - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 49:108-123.
    Resumen: El artículo analiza la musicalización de la ficción presente en Vals de Francesc Trabal, considerada su obra maestra. El artículo sugiere una lectura diferente de la novela a partir del concepto de intermedialidad y mediante dos ejes: la imitación y la tematización. De esta manera se observa que la relación entre esta ficción musicalizada y la noción de ironía metaficcional es muy estrecha y ayuda a entender el juego lúdico establecido por Trabal.: This paper analyzes the musicalization of the (...)
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    The Spanish Body Image State Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity in a Colombian Population.Moisés Mebarak Chams, Laura Tinoco, Dania Mejia-Rodriguez, Martha L. Martinez-Banfi, Hanna Preuss, Florian Hammerle, Jorge I. Vélez & David R. Kolar - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. (1 other version)Progreso e historia en Vico y Marx.Moisés González García - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 11 (12):1999-2000.
    En las páginas que siguen trato de acercarme a estos dos grandes pensadores para ver qué es lo que tienen que decirnos acerca del hombre y de su historia. Marx confía en el progreso histórico y cree que finalmente los hombres pasarán del reino de la necesidad al de la libertad. Vico, en cambio, nunca creyó que el progreso fuese una necesidad que tenía que producirse inevitablemente, ni mucho menos que fuese irreversible, pues la barbarie está siempre acechando y toda (...)
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    David Runciman, The Confidence Trap: A History of Democracy in Crisis from World War I to the Present, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 2013. 408 páginas. ISBN: 9780691148687. [REVIEW]Isabel Nos Llopis - 2018 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 18:161-164.
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    The positiveness of Imagination in Spinoza’s Epistemology.Luis Ramos-Alarcón - unknown
    For Spinoza’s epistemology, an image is an idea that represents an external body as actually existent. This kind of knowledge is the only source of inadequate knowledge, falsity, and error. On the contrary, reason is adequate knowledge because it comprehends common notions, i.e, properties of different things. Intuition is also adequate knowledge because it conceives formal essences of singular things. The main example is the genetic definition of a sphere, an adequate knowledge form by the power of thinking of the (...)
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  6.  19
    El naturalismo cientificista como pseudorreligión y anti-teología natural.Moisés Pérez Marcos - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):73-90.
    Scientist naturalism as pseudo religion and anti-natural theology After exposing the basic ideas of the naturalistic worldview, an attempt is made to show that naturalism is an interpretation of science that has an inescapable "mythological" dimension, in the sense that Midgley gives to this expression. This does not discredit it on principle but means that we cannot accept it uncritically by the mere fact that it appeals to the natural sciences to justify its validity. It is then argued that the (...)
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  7.  13
    From Be-usurped to Be-re-owned.Moisés del Pino Peña - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 26:37-42.
    The fictional beings are another story ourselves, and tell us another way to recover what we, wanting to be what we want; Stories in which they live, not knowing that his life is a story, a story that does not live as if it were, as if they lived their lives. The fictions of the world show us, not necessarily, as others do not, who am not! But who still am not, because I have not discovered completely all myself, and (...)
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  8.  20
    An Unrecognized Prophetic Ostracon from Ḥorvat ʿUza.Moise Isaac - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3):593.
    The uncertainty concerning the genre of the Ḥorvat ʿUza ostracon 1 is problematized through the lens of linguistic anthropology. Although a denotative approach to the linguistic forms in this Hebrew ostracon is well attested, less attention has been paid to the indexical meaning of specific stylistic features and their semi- otic register implications. Several linguistic-ideological concepts are drawn upon to examine how the act of inscription and specialized linguistic forms align the discursive genre of the ostracon with prophecy. I seek (...)
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  9.  16
    El valor de las relaciones de cuidado.Moisés Vaca - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (75):3-29.
    Resumen: Este texto se concentra en el valor de las relaciones de cuidado y en la política pública que debe adoptarse en relación con ellas. Defiendo que, en consonancia con lo que argumenta Elizabeth Brake, debido a que las RC son una de las bases sociales del respeto propio, el mismo marco de apoyo que las leyes maritales ofrecen actualmente a las relaciones biamorosas debe ser accesible a otras RC consensuadas entre adultos -como las amistades a largo plazo, las relaciones (...)
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  10.  19
    (1 other version)The Contractualist Dilemma.Moises Vaca - 2017 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 24:43-62.
    In moral and political philosophy many contractualist views appeal to hypothetical consent when justifying their proposed normative contents. In this paper I argue that all of them fail. In particular, I defend three claims. First, I consider and develop what I call the common objection to contractualism: that the stipulation of a hypothetical consent adds nothing to the independent reasons offered in contractualist procedures in favor of the normative content in question. Second, I hold that this objection gives rise to (...)
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  11.  39
    Relatia Stat-Biserica în privinta educatiei religioase în scolile publice din România/ Church-State Relation In The Religious Education In Romanian Public Schools.Emil Moise - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):77-100.
    In this paper I will deal with the question of the religious education in the public schools in Romania, from the point of view of the relationship between Church and State. My quantitative and qualitative analysis of the bills concerning religious education, the way in which law has been applied and some of the consequences of this application wants to circumscribe the meaning of some concepts such as religious liberty and the new religious forms. The basic consequence of this I (...)
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  12.  31
    Realidade da produção do conhecimento em Educação Física: determinações históricas e epistemológicas.Moises Henrique Zeferino Alves, Ana Lúcia Silva Souza & Eliabe de Oliveira Figueiredo - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (3):81.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir com a crítica aos PNPG e suas determinações na produção do conhecimento dos professores de Educação Física das IES do estado da Bahia no período de 1982 a 2012, através da análise epistemológica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, cujos dados foram analisado a luz do método do materialismo histórico e dialético. Os resultados apontam que os PNPG apresentam em seus objetivos e diretrizes uma concepção de pós-graduação que estimula o produtivismo acadêmico e a aproximação (...)
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  13.  38
    Biological Functions: A Critical Review and A Proposal.Nicolás Alarcón - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:395-409.
    This research aims to propose a new theory to account for the functions of biological objects. For this, I will show that the most accepted theories of biological functions fail, and then I will propose a new alternative that overcomes the given counterexamples. The research is divided into the following questions: i) appealing to various counterexamples, noting that there is no robust theory capable of accounting for the phenomenon; finally ii) I will give a minimal provisional / operational theory, which (...)
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  14.  20
    El problema de la consciencia en la filosofía contemporánea.Nicolás Alarcón Zambrano - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (2):429-442.
    The prolific discussion about consciousness has resulted a multiplicity in the uses for the term. The -curious- little clarity regarding the use of the notion, can lead to confusion to who tries to enter the contemporary discussion of the philosophy of mind. The purpose of this article is to serve as a starting point for those who seek to enter the contemporary discussion of consciousness, presenting: i) the central concept of the consciousness that is used, and ii) give an account (...)
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  15.  27
    Deliberation and Discursive Injustice: A Collective Failure.Moisés Barba - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2):347-356.
    The purpose of this paper is to expand the theoretical field of discursive injustice by identifying a specific kind of discursive injustice, namely, the kind we are subject to when we are unjustly prevented from exchanging reasons with others. Broadly speaking, discursive injustice is the kind of injustice we suffer when we are unjustly harmed as language users, most notably when we are prevented from using language in ways we are entitled to. The dominant approach to discursive injustice has focused (...)
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    “I Think You Are Trustworthy, Need I Say More?” The Factor Structure and Practicalities of Trustworthiness Assessment.Michael A. Lee, Gene M. Alarcon & August Capiola - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Two popular models of trustworthiness have garnered support over the years. One has postulated three aspects of trustworthiness as state-based antecedents to trust. Another has been interpreted to comprise two aspects of trustworthiness. Empirical data shows support for both models, and debate remains as to the theoretical and practical reasons researchers may adopt one model over the other. The present research aimed to consider this debate by investigating the factor structure of trustworthiness. Taking items from two scales commonly employed to (...)
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  17.  13
    Diálogo entre reconocimiento y desarrollo.Carolina Godoy-Berthet & Mauricio Alarcón-Silva - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 67:26-37.
    Resumen: El presente artículo se propone establecer un dialogo entre las nociones de desarrollo y de reconocimiento. La fundamentación epistémica de esta discusión se enmarca en la consideración de Ricoeur que apuesta a la condición del individuo como un hombre capaz o “un yo puedo”, con el poder de hablar, actuar e imputarse acciones, condiciones básicas para enfrentar el camino hacia el reconocimiento de sí mismo. Ahora bien, dichas capacidades individuales de obrar, en el plano colectivo se extienden hacia prácticas (...)
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  18.  5
    Youth political involvement: An explanation of candida-ture from the civic voluntarism model.Javier Alarcón González - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (2).
    This article focuses on research on youth disengagement towards politics by asking about the political engagement of high involvement in members of youth sections of political parties. The purpose is to examine how resources, the civic voluntarism model and some sociodemographic variables help to explain political involvement, by candidacy. To answer the questions posed, a survey of members of youth sections of Spanish political parties is used. The logistic regression analysis reveals certain findings among which stand out: (i) the role (...)
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    Making Sense of Common Good in Contemporary Society.M. Lorenz Moises J. Festin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:171-176.
    The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the relevance and significance of the concept of common good in contemporary society. First, I make a brief historical remark about the philosophical concept of common good. I will argue that the concept is rooted in the ancient Greek philosophical understanding of society, namely as polis, whereby human being is thought to have an end that is not merely individual but also collective. I then discuss how societies have significantly changed over (...)
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  20.  19
    ¿Naturalismo versus Teísmo? La polémica Diéguez-Soler.Moisés Pérez-Marcos - 2022 - Anuario Filosófico 55 (2):265-296.
    En el presente artículo se analizan los tres ejes del debate en la polémica que hace unos años han mantenido Antonio Diéguez Lucena y Francisco José Soler Gil: i) la causación mental y su posible explicación en clave naturalista, ii) los méritos y límites explicativos de una posible alternativa teísta y iii) la conveniencia o no de una metodología naturalista en filosofía.
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  21.  31
    Kant, suicidio y privación de la vida: una interpretación voluntarista.Luis Moisés López Flores - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (46):8-37.
    Resumen Es muy conocida la opinión de Kant en relación con la inmoralidad del suicidio. De ahí que, muchos autores lo consideren como un prohibicionista absoluto. Sin embargo, no hay hasta el momento un análisis puntual sobre la definición metafísica-conceptual del suicidio en la teoría kantiana. En este artículo propongo entender el suicidio en Kant como una muerte física, total, autorreferencial, voluntaria e inmoral. Esta definición contrastará con la privación de la vida, la cual no implica inmoralidad. Al ser voluntarios, (...)
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  22.  73
    Rediscovering the Sense of Pleasure in Morality.M. Lorenz Moises J. Festin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:101-108.
    Pleasure has always been an important issue in morality. And although ethical systems tend to focus the discussion on human action, this agreeable sentiment has remained a recurrent question in moral philosophy. In this paper, I go back to Aristotle’s treatment of pleasure in his writings, particularly in the Nicomachean Ethics. I will argue that the distinction he draws between bodily pleasures and those of the mind represents an important point not only in understanding eudaimonia but also in situating the (...)
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  23. Persistencia, Espaciotiempo y Relatividad (Masters Dissertation).Moisés Macías-Bustos - 2017 - Dissertation, Unam
    El tema central de esta tesis de maestría en filosofía de la ciencia es el de la naturaleza de la persistencia a través del tiempo, en el contexto de nuestras mejores teorías físicas acerca del espacio-tiempo. Este problema involucra uno de los conceptos centrales en nuestra comprensión científica del mundo físico, a saber, el concepto de tiempo. La forma usual en que se plantea el problema de la persistencia involucra ciertas nociones que están conectadas con la física, pero estos supuestos (...)
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  24. Ollé sesé, manuel; Martín carretero, José moisés; escobar, silvia; castresana, Carlos; lamarca Pérez, carmen; bernabeu, almudena; hormazábal malarée, hernán; aranibar quiroga, antonio; Rodríguez, María elena; Medina Rey, José María; Santos, Carlos (2007). Derechos humanos Y desarrollo. Justicia universal: El Caso latinoamericano. [REVIEW]Marta Figueras I. Badia - 2008 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 40 (41):199.
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  25. Moise Maimonide: "Călăuza rătăciților" ca itinerar al minții în Dumnezeu.Madeea Sãasãanæa - 2002 - [Romania]: Academia Română.
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    Moise Maimonide: "Călăuza rătăciților" ca itinerar al minții în Dumnezeu.Madeea Sâsână - 2002 - [Romania]: Academia Română.
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    Mussa B., Moisés. Nuestros Alumnos. Santiago. 1950. Ediciones Dan-Anta, I Vol. 300 pág. (segunda edición).L. Gómez Catalán - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 1 (3):375-376.
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    La philosophie de Moïse: essai de reconstitution d'un commentaire philosophique préphilonien du Pentateuque.Richard Goulet - 1987 - Vrin.
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    Aspects of Mexican Civilization. José Vasconcelos, Manuel GamioSome Mexican Problems. Moises Saenz, Herbert I. Priestley. [REVIEW]Eyler N. Simpson - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 38 (1):106-107.
  30.  16
    Fœssel, Michaël. La noche. Vivir sin testigo. Trad. L. Felipe Alarcón. Santiago de Chile: Metales pesados, 2020. 128 pp. [REVIEW]Amanda Olivares - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69:75-78.
    Resumen El artículo muestra la relación estructural entre el testimonio y el juicio estético, y cómo la mentira estructural se implica irreductiblemente como la posibilidad de la verdad. Se explica la necesaria imposibilidad del testimonio como condición de su posibilidad, argumento anticipado por J. L. Borges: “No hay una sola hermosa palabra, con la excepción dudosa de testigo, que no sea una abstracción”. La argumentación se apoya en la teoría husserliana del syncategorema y en los deícticos ; asimismo, se toma (...)
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  31. The Core Mysteries: Pierre Bayle's Philosophical Fideism.Kristen Irwin - 2010 - Dissertation, Proquest
    This dissertation develops an original interpretation of the relationship between reason and religious belief in the work of Pierre Bayle, a seventeenth-century skeptic, that I call “philosophical fideism.” The underdetermined, and often paradoxical, nature of Bayle’s writing makes interpreting him a formidable task; I therefore begin by sketching out the contemporary interpretive landscape of Bayle studies, currently deeply divided over the issue of Bayle’s conception of the reason-faith relationship. I subsequently examine other conceptions of the reason-faith relationship among rationalists and (...)
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  32. j.Mohamed Zekkari - 2021 - Mominoun Without Borders.
    يصْدُرُ موسى ابن ميمون (Moïse Maïmonide) (1204 – 1138م) في مؤلّفه ''دَلَالةُ الحَائِرين'' عن رؤيةٍ نقديّةٍ؛ إذ همَّ إلى الأنظار المُكْتَسبة والتقليديّة حول التوراة، وقام بمراجعتها، محاولاً بناء معرفة منطقية عقلية لا تنفي النصّ المقدس وإنما تقرأه في ضوء نظرةٍ فلسفيةٍ ذات راهنية. وما دعاهُ إلى مثل ذلك، هو تتبع واقع النصّ المقدّس على عصره، وما آل إليه واقع التّفسير. إنّ قراءة، أبواب الكتاب وحروفه التي قسّمها إلى ثلاثة أقسام حسب ما ثقفت؛ العنصر الأول، وهو يناقش مفهوم الله الذي أشْكَلَ (...)
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    Child Welfare: Court May Determine Whether Life-Sustaining Treatment Should Be Withdrawn.Brooke A. Schneider - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (2):316-317.
    In In re Christopher I., the California Court of Appeal upheld a juvenile court's decision to withdraw life-sustaining medical treatment for a then-1-year-old dependent of the court. Christopher I. had come under juvenile court custody after his biological father, Moises I., physically abused him and rendered him comatose. Christopher's biological mother, Tamara S., was either unwilling or unable to protect him. After the disposition hearing, Tamara petitioned for a “Do Not Resuscitate” order for Christopher and/or removal of his life-sustaining medical (...)
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  34.  65
    Maimonides and Aquinas: A Medieval Misunderstanding?Jennifer Hart Weed - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):379 - 396.
    Thomas Aquinas' treatment of Moses Maimonides' via negativa has been frequently called into question. In particular, some contemporary Maimonideans have argued that Aquinas grossly misunderstands Maimonides. Other scholars argue that Maimonides' defense of his own position provides insuperable challenges to alternative ways of naming God, despite the problems Aquinas raised with the via negativa. In this article, the author attends to Aquinas' two objections to Maimonides in Summa theologiae I.13.2 in order to see if these objections are valid and further, (...)
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  35. Filosofii︠a︡ ėkzistent︠s︡ializma v sovremennoĭ I︠A︡ponii: (kriticheskiĭ ocherk).I︠U︡. B. Kozlovskiĭ - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  36. Semantika i proizvodstvo lingvisticheskikh edinit︠s︡: problemy derivat︠s︡ii: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.S. I︠U︡ Adlivankin & L. N. Murzin (eds.) - 1979 - Permʹ: Permskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Dialekticheskiĭ i istoricheskiĭ materializm i sovremennostʹ.Vladimir Akimovich At︠s︡i︠u︡kovskiĭ - 2005 - Moskva: "Petit".
  38. Problemy filosofii istorii: tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡ i novat︠s︡ii︠a︡ v sot︠s︡iokulʹturnom prot︠s︡esse: referativnyĭ sbornik.I︠A︡. M. Berger & V. A. Chalikova (eds.) - 1989 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam.
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  39. V.I. Lenin i I.V. Stalin o vospitanii kommunisticheskoĭ morali.N. I. Boldyrev - 1951 - Moskva,: [Pravda].
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    Escape Room: una metodología activa para la enseñanza en postgrado.Blanca Tejero Claver, Virginia Alarcon Martínez & Neus Garrido Sáez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-12.
    Ante la falta o disminución de la motivación de los alumnos universitarios la enseñanza, y con ello la Universidad se ve en la tesitura de poner en práctica nuevas metodologías más activas y motivantes que permitan a los alumnos tener un rol más protagonista en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje que el que han tenido hasta ahora.En el este artículo se expone una experiencia que consiste en el diseño de un escape room on line enmarcado en el Máster en (...)
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  41. Mozg i soznanie: filosofskie i teoreticheskie aspekty problemy.D. I. Dubrovskiĭ & R. I. Kruglikov (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Filosofskoe ob-vo SSSR.
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  42. Despre cîteva absurdităţi folositoare.I. D. Gherea - 1971 - Bucureşti: Cartea românească.
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  43. Ty i Vy.Vladimir I︠A︡kovlevich Kantorovich - 1974
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  44. Od země k nebi : znovuobjevení kouzla přírody.I. Prigogine & I. Stengers - 2000 - In Josef Šmajs, Drama evoluce: fragment evoluční ontologie. Praha: Hynek.
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  45. Muntakhab-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī barā-yi dabīristānhā.Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī - 1941 - Tihrān: Vizārat-i Farhang. Edited by Jalāl Humāʼī.
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  46. Lenin i sovremennai︠a︡ fizika.S. I. Vavilov - 1970 - Moskva,: Nauka.
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  47. Antropologīi︠a︡ i kosmologīi︠a︡ Nemezīi︠a︡, ep. Emesskago, v ikh otnoshenīi k drevneĭ filosofīi i patristicheskoĭ literaturi︠e︡.Ḟ. S. Vladimīrskīĭ - 1912 - Zhitomir: Ėlektro-tip. nasl. M. Denenmana.
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    Dying in Detention: Where Are the Bioethicists?Allison B. Wolf - 2021 - In Elizabeth Victor & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes, Applying Nonideal Theory to Bioethics: Living and Dying in a Nonideal World. New York: Springer. pp. 333-355.
    In 2018, at least 12 adults and 3 children died in U.S. detention facilities. In 2017, 12 people died in U.S. detention facilities and at least 10 women filed complaints against ICE for mistreatment that led them to miscarry. At the time of this writing, 26 people have died in US Custody during the Trump Administration and 74 people have died in U.S. detention facilities between 2010 and 2018, including Raul Ernesto Morales-Ramos, Augustina Ramirez-Arreola, Moises Tino-Lopez, Jose Azurdia, and Roxana (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Del posmodernismo al poscolonialismo: ¿solución al caso latinoamericano?José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 1999 - Dialectica (Misc) 23 (32):100-108.
    Después de varios años bajo los efectos del boom del posmodernismo, en la década de los 90 la intelectualidad latinoamericana comenzó а recibir uп nuevo paquete de propuestas teóricas reunidas en torno al concepto “poscolonialidad”. Bajo el iпflujo de las teorías poscoloniales у los estudios subalternos se crea oficialmente en los Estados Unidos en 1994 el Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios Subalternos (Latin American Subaltern Studies Gгoup). А el pertenecían intelectuales como Walter Mignolo, John Beverley, Alberto Moreiras, Ileana Rodríguez у Norma (...)
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  50. al-Lughah wa-ahluhā min al-taʼṣīl ilá al-tafʻīl: muqārabah naqdīyah.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-ʻAẓīm - 2023 - Bū Sālim, Tūnis: Dār al-Firdaws lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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